We act:

SPALECK – Green machine builder
Products that benefit people and the environment
Welded assemblies such as stainless steel food conveyor screws. Screening machines for international recycling. Precision parts & planet carriers manufactured to an accuracy of a thousandth of a millimeter, which help to support the energy transition in wind turbines. Forward-looking water treatment systems: We are consistently focused on sustainable products that we produce in an environmentally friendly way.
Dual training in Romania
Strong commitment to more equal opportunities
As co-founders of the first private vocational school in Resita, Romania, we are fighting for better living conditions and opportunities through a good education for young people.

Cooperation for nature conservation
Joint commitment to nature conservation by companies
In spring 2021, we entered into a partnership with the NABU Borken district association. Our common goal: to encourage more environmental protection from companies. Further information can be found here.
Environmental protection campaigns & training
SPALECK trainees are sustainability ambassadors
Whether renaturation, the independent construction of an insect hotel or environmental protection activities & excursions: We want to teach our young people about environmental protection and sustainability beyond their professional interests.

Climate protection in the industrial area
Roof greening at SPALECK
The first industrial hall at our headquarters has been given 350 m² of green roof. We are thus consistently implementing our strategy as a green mechanical engineering company. We will now gradually be greening more roofs on our industrial buildings.

Integration of refugees
Training and jobs
A good start in the world of work is important so that refugees can integrate in Germany. To this end, we train people and offer them career opportunities. Find out more about our training in Bocholt and our other locations.
Internal company commitment to climate protection
Member of the ÖkoPROFIT Club
As a company, we are also looking at what we can do internally to protect the climate and conserve resources. An important building block here is the ÖKOPROFIT project, in which we work together with other companies in the Borken district to drive forward internal implementation.

Blue Competence Initiative
Partner of the VDMA sustainability initiative
We are a partner of the Blue Competence sustainability initiative. Blue Competence is an initiative of the VDMA to promote sustainability in mechanical and plant engineering and to publicize sustainable solutions in the industry. With this partnership, we are committed to complying with the twelve sustainability principles of mechanical and plant engineering.
Here you can find detailed information on our energy and environmental policy and our management system

Learning sustainability through play
It is with great conviction that we sponsor the Bocholt kindergarten “Über den Wolken” as part of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” initiative.
In the project, educators learn how young children can be introduced to science, technology and environmental protection through playful experiments.
In our view, this is a major step towards greater environmental protection and an active contribution to securing the next generation.
Thea now says WERTstoff
Passing on environmental protection
At SPALECK, we actively protect the environment and raise awareness. With success! Thea, the 2-year-old daughter of one of our employees, no longer says “garbage” since her father started working for us.

Health circle
Active health promotion in the workplace
Since 2011, we have been promoting the health of our team with a wide range of courses and activities. All employees have access to a fitness studio on the company premises.
VideoWe support students and their education
Otto Spaleck Foundation
for innovative technologies
In 2012, Otto Spaleck established the Otto Spaleck Foundation for Innovative Technologies in order to strengthen Bocholt and Westmünsterland as a university location and prepare them for the challenges ahead.

Casa Dorca children’s home
Our team organizes help for Romanian orphans
Bicycles, good children’s clothing, toys and personal help: our employees in Germany and Romania help the children from the Casa Dorca project.
Social commitment and environmental protection in the team
The first idea often comes from our employees. As an employer, we participate in and support the commitment of our team. Donating blood at the workplace, building a hotel for swallows and supporting the Bocholt food bank are just three examples of how we help together.